
Mosaic in Medicine is the online peer-reviewed publication for underrepresented voices in medicine, established in 2019 by medical students at Albany Medical College.

All content on Mosaic in Medicine is contributed by underrepresented voices in medicine, including medical students, attendings, nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, premedical students, and other allied health professionals. As a peer-reviewed publication, the Mosaic in Medicine Editorial Board consists entirely of volunteer medical students and is editorially independent, with all content reviewed solely by the medical student editors and the editors-in-chief prior to publication.


The adversities and struggles of underrepresented voices in medicine are all too often overlooked or unrecognized. We believe there is a strength that can be drawn from sharing and discussing one’s own experiences. Mosaic in Medicine serves as a structured space for publication, discussion and dissemination of peer-reviewed material, as well as a virtual domain for sharing the perspectives, without fear of repercussions or judgement, of underrepresented students throughout the medical education and health care profession pipeline. The aim is to not only discuss the challenges we face, but also to educate ourselves and celebrate our successes.

Mission Statement

Mosaic in Medicine is the materialization of diverse expressions of thoughts, ideas, experiences, and perspectives and critiques of the underrepresented voices in the medical field.

Mosaic in Medicine seeks to:

1. Equip, empower and encourage students of health care from underrepresented groups as they navigate the medical training pipeline.

2. Serve as a platform to promote healthy discourse and critical evaluation of the culture of health care.

3. Facilitate connections between students from different institutions and engender positive and progressive change in health care.


Mosaic in Medicine is currently funded by Pager Publications, Inc., a 501c3 non-profit literacy corporation founded by Ajay Major and Aleena Paul that curates and supports peer-edited publications for the medical education community. Mosaic in Medicine and Pager Publications, Inc. are directed and managed entirely by unpaid volunteers, so please consider a tax-deductible contribution to support our publication.