Tag: courage

Leonard Wang Leonard Wang (2 Posts)


University of Texas Medical Branch School of Medicine

Leonard is a fourth-year MD/MPH student at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, TX. During medical school, he was awarded a US-UK Fulbright Scholarship to pursue an MSc in Health and Social Policy in Glasgow, Scotland. He graduated from the University of Houston with a Bachelor of Science in honors biomedical sciences through a 7-year accelerated BS/MD program. He enjoys traveling, rock climbing, and exploring new restaurants and coffee shops in his free time. In the future, Leonard would like to pursue a career in internal medicine.

Hidden Impact: Parental Health Status and the Cost for Children

Medical student Katelyn Girtain writes about her experiences as a child of a disabled mother that contributed to the lack of proper insurance and ultimately the occurrence of preventable health issues. She also explores relevant policies and the lack of literature on the impacts of parental disability/lack of insurance on children.

My Hero

Showing love in times of loss, being a beacon of hope, taking time to spend with family and regaining our humanity are just some of the values medical student writer Karl Heward emphasizes should be reflected in our practice of medicine while demonstrating how personal tragedy courageously inspired him to adopt this mindset.

Karl Heward (1 Posts)

Medical Student Contributing Writer

University of Utah School of Medicine

Karl Is a 1st generation college and medical student. He is from Utah. He's always had an interest in well-being, with an emphasis on mental wellness. He has a bachelor's degree in psychology. He's been volunteering in homeless shelter's since high school, He was a coordinator for the 4th street Neurology Clinic (a homeless outreach clinic), and he founded the Mindfulness Interest Group at the University of Utah School of medicine. He continues to work wellness into his practice of medicine, and was recently inducted into GHHS.