Journeys in Education

This category contains student reflections on key moments in their education that gave them new perspective and deeper insights to healthcare.

Rucha Borkhetaria Rucha Borkhetaria (1 Posts)

Medical Student Contributing Writer

Penn State College of Medicine

Rucha is a first generation Indian-American medical student and is a member of The Penn State College of Medicine class of 2023. She completed her undergraduate degree at The College of New Jersey in Biology and minored in Public Health. In her free time, she enjoys photography, reading, and painting. She loves to drink new teas and explore new areas. For her, photography is a personal journey that leads to new connections, creative expression, and the ability to find deeper meaning within each moment.

Hidden Impact: Parental Health Status and the Cost for Children

Medical student Katelyn Girtain writes about her experiences as a child of a disabled mother that contributed to the lack of proper insurance and ultimately the occurrence of preventable health issues. She also explores relevant policies and the lack of literature on the impacts of parental disability/lack of insurance on children.

A Journey to Obstetrics & Gynecology Through Structural Racism in Maternal Outcomes

Medical student Sara Phillips writes a personal reflection, grounded in scholarly literature, that details her exploration of racism as a mechanism for perpetuating disparities in maternal health outcomes. The piece traces discriminatory policies and actions undertaken by physicians and leaders in the field of obstetrics and gynecology to portray a historical origin for contemporary health inequities. Interacting with these grim stories and statistics, she reflects on what it means for her to seek out a career in OB/GYN to confront this prejudicial history and create a more just path forward.

Lekha Reddy Lekha Reddy (1 Posts)

Medical Student Contributing Writer

Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

Lekha Reddy is a member of the Class of 2023 at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. She is an aspiring emergency medicine physician and is drawn to the humanistic aspects of medicine. She aims to further understand the human condition, seek genuine connections with her patients, and practice mindfulness and constant self-reflection in her pursuit of medicine.