Max Hawkins, a second-year resident, reflects on his medical education journey, the process of consent and the importance of trusting that “gut feeling.”
Max Hawkins, a second-year resident, reflects on his medical education journey, the process of consent and the importance of trusting that “gut feeling.”
Analisa Narro, a third-year medical student, wrestles with the academic uncertainty surrounding a pass/fail Step 1 exam and discovers freedom.
Henry Zou, an Asian American fourth-year medical student, reflects on the COVID-19 pandemic and finds courage and hope.
Medical student Micaela Torres reflects on her progress in healing past traumas and improving her mental health.
This essay offers a personal reflection on hospice care and celebration of life from the perspective of a medical student addressing her late grandmother.
An ICU nurse turned medical student reflects on the COVID-19 pandemic’s severe and lasting impact on health care workers and the acute shift to the new normal of expectations in the inpatient setting.
Tim Niyogusaba, a third-year medical student, meditates on his fulfilling yet fatiguing experiences during clinical rotations.
Dr. Erin Saner reflects on the importance of underrepresented minorities and representation in clinical care and education.
Medical student Tom McNally reflects on the patient-provider relationship based on his experience managing his own chronic illness.
Ana Jimenez, a fourth-year medical student, describes her encounter with Micah, a coffee-making, DJ-ing, emergency medicine resident.
“Code blue!” They teach it as an algorithm and a protocol. But what you are not taught are the emotions attached to a code. I had just finished a cholecystectomy case on my surgery rotation and was walking by the medical intensive care unit when I heard “rapid response team, coronary care unit (CCU).” Since the CCU was not far and I am interested in emergency and critical care medicine, I decided to go to …
Medical student Atisa Paudel reflects on the impact of her immigrant background on her medical education.