
Anirudh Dwarakanath Anirudh Dwarakanath (2 Posts)

Founder and Editor-in-Chief Emeritus

Albany Medical College

I originally grew up in New Hampshire and then attended college at Emory University, where I earned a B.S. in Biology. I completed a 1-year Master of Science program in Biotechnology and Health Sciences at Johns Hopkins Krieger School of Arts and Sciences before matriculating to medical school. I am currently an attending physician in Internal Med at David Grant Medical Center California, serving as a Captain in the U.S. Airforce. I have a keen interest in quality improvement and patient safety at a medical education level as well as at a systems implementation level and am involved in research on involving students in the QI processes. My goal, as an Editor-in-Chief, is to represent military medicine and to advocate for this population that I serve

Announcing Mosaic in Medicine: A Letter from the Editors-in-Chief

We are proud to announce the founding of Mosaic in Medicine, an online peer-reviewed publication for underrepresented voices in medicine. We founded this publication to shine a light on the issues and difficulties that we face as underrepresented individuals in medicine. Our experiences as unheard voices in medicine are all too often hidden, overlooked, or unrecognized.

Anirudh Dwarakanath Anirudh Dwarakanath (2 Posts)

Founder and Editor-in-Chief Emeritus

Albany Medical College

I originally grew up in New Hampshire and then attended college at Emory University, where I earned a B.S. in Biology. I completed a 1-year Master of Science program in Biotechnology and Health Sciences at Johns Hopkins Krieger School of Arts and Sciences before matriculating to medical school. I am currently an attending physician in Internal Med at David Grant Medical Center California, serving as a Captain in the U.S. Airforce. I have a keen interest in quality improvement and patient safety at a medical education level as well as at a systems implementation level and am involved in research on involving students in the QI processes. My goal, as an Editor-in-Chief, is to represent military medicine and to advocate for this population that I serve